Hamner Avenue 16-inch Waterline from Third St. to Fourth St. and Street Improvements
A&B prepared improvement plans, specifications and estimates for public bid for over 3,500 linear feet of 16 to 8-inch water line in Hamner Avenue from Third St. to Fourth St., including abandonment and partial of removal of interfering 6-inch and 10-inch steel water lines. The 16-inch D.I.P. CL 350 water line design included plan and profile preparation with replacement of all 57 existing commercial water services, all 14 fire services, existing (11) fire hydrants and details for tie-ins at the project limits as well as Lampton Lane, Market St., Spencer Dr., and Elm Dr. The project design including potholing of over 25 existing utilities and A&B coordinated all field work for all sub-contractor’s efforts, including all field surveying. Full width street rehabilitation plans, including signing and striping plans where prepared by A&B. The plans and specifications are complete and the project recently bid to within 4% of the Engineer’s Estimate. A&B will provided full civil professional Construction Support Services, RFI’s, Shop Drawings, Field engineering, attendance at construction meetings, final as-built record plans.